We offer a comprehensive selection of water damage restoration and cleaning services to residential and commercial properties throughout the Indianapolis metropolitan area with state-of-the-art equipment and procedures.

Our service portfolio includes mold removal, fire damage restoration, emergency water removal services for water damage mitigation projects, etc.

Our Professional Mold Damage Restoration Services

mold damage restoration indianapolis

If you suspect that your home or business has a mold issue, it’s best to hire our experienced remediation team for assistance. Attempting removal on your own can be hazardous and could lead to further growth of the mold in the future.

Our mold remediation specialists are highly trained and can take on the job quickly and safely. We utilize the most up-to-date tools and techniques to contain and eradicate mold from your property.

Mold not only looks unattractive, but it can also cause serious structural and health damage to your home or business. For those prone to allergies and asthma, mold could even prove hazardous for you.

If you suspect there to be a mold problem in your property, it’s essential to act fast before the situation worsens or spreads. Prompt removal of the mold will help avoid it from spreading and creating other health risks for you and those around you.

Residential Mold Damage Restoration Indianapolis

If your home has a mold issue, immediate action must be taken. Ignoring it can cause extensive structural damage to your property and may lead to health issues for those living there. Don’t put off getting rid of that mold!

The initial step in dealing with mold and water in your home or business is to thoroughly clean up all traces. This involves wiping down surfaces with detergent before thoroughly drying them.

Once the affected area has been cleaned, we will begin drying it out as much as possible. We’ll use dehumidifiers and fans to maintain a certain level of humidity in the room so that mold won’t return.

We will apply antimicrobial agents to prevent future mold growth. This is an efficient way to stop spores from spreading throughout your home or business.

Commercial Mold Damage Restoration Indianapolis

Mold damage is a serious concern for any commercial property owner. Not only is it costly and difficult to remediate, but also dangerous for employees and a legal issue.

When you identify mold in your business, the best course of action is to contact our certified remediation team immediately. The sooner you address the issue, the lower its cost will be, and the quicker your business can return to normal operations.

Our commercial mold remediation and restoration team will clean and disinfect affected areas to guarantee that all spores have been effectively killed. Once the area has been cleaned, we will dry it out until it meets an acceptable humidity standard. This step is essential as it prevents mold from returning in the future.

At this stage, we will enclose the contaminated area with plastic and discard any damaged materials as required by EPA standards. Subsequently, we’ll use high-grade filters to filter out airborne spores.

Water Damage Restoration Indianapolis
31 E Georgia St, Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 793-3670